Fact File for Singapore

Singapore has long been a favourite destination of more affluent travelers and for good reason with its abundance of world-class attractions and vast variety of restaurants and nightlife choices.

COORDINATES: 1.3521° N, 103.8198° E

LANGUAGE: The four official languages of Singapore are Malay, Mandarin, Tamil, and English

CAPITAL: Singapore (city-state)

WEATHER: Singapore, being almost equatorial, is always warm at around 32 - 33 deg C during the day and does not have very distinct seasons. It rains most days, usually in short but heavy bursts, and more often from November to January. 

BEST TIME TO CHARTER: You can charter in Singapore all year round. 

AIRPORTS: Changi Airport in Singapore is one of the world's largest international hubs with a wide variety of airlines from all over thw world flying through there. 


CURRENCY: Singapore dollar (SGD); American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa are widely accepted and ATMs are widespread.

ELECTRICITY: 220 / 240V, 50 Hz

1 Jan - New Year's Day
2 Jan - New Year Holiday
Jan / Feb - Chinese New Year
March / April - Good Friday
1 May - Labour Day
May - Vesak Day
9 Aug - National Day
Oct / Nov - Deepavali
25 Dec - Christmas Day
moveable - Hari Raya Aidilfitri
moveable - Hari Raya Aidiladha

MAIN MARINAS: Raffles Marina, Marina at Keppel Bay, One° 15 Marina Club

CULTURAL: While Singaporeans are very hospitable and friendly they are also very private and formal when dealing with each other and evn more so with foreigners. Showing repsect is a critical part of their ethos. Singapore also has very strict regulations regarding public behaviour. Keep within these and you will have a wonderful time there. Some of the things you should be aware of are:

  • Do not eat even sweets on public transport. Chewing gum anywhere is an offence. 
  • Do not go topless on view – this applies in your hotel room if you can be overlooked.
  • Do not litter or spit in public places – again you can be fined for this.
  • Do not carry pornographic material – this is a serious offence leading to heavy fines or imprisonment.
  • Talking about religion or politics is seen as offensive, as is raising your voice or losing your temper.
  • If using a laptop or tablet, connecting to unauthorised Wi-Fi network is considered a crime.
  • Tipping is not a cultural practice and not necessary. Very few restaurants add a service charge to the bill.
  • No drugs other than prescription, otherwise you risk the death sentence or a considerable amount of time in jail.

8 Good Reasons to Book with Luxury Charter Group

We are the luxury charter experts and have been excelling in this space for 30 years, or a combined total of 140 years! Our clients’ feedback assures us that our experience, expertise and dedication are the main reasons they rely on us, why they rebook time and again and refer their friends and contacts to us.

  1. Personalised service: we take care of the details
  2. We deliver exceptional charter experiences
  3. Up-to-date charter yacht knowledge
  4. Personal experience of the destinations
  5. Unbiased independent advice
  6. Global operations base
  7. Financial security
  8. Secure charter contracts

We ensure planning your charter is easy and enjoyable

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